EDI are the leading consultant for practice facilities in the world.
We developed ADI recognising the importance of practice in today’s golf market. The practice game is a necessity at all golf clubs on any available area regardless of the size or shape of your facility. As both a player and architect designing for the World’s best we developed our very own brand of practice design.

EDI will advise you why your Club should invest in a short course facility.
In today’s world, members are time poor and often need a golfing fix. If space permits, now is the time to produce a course which will take 1 hour to navigate and two hours from door to door. These courses are also perfect for beginners to enjoy and elite athletes to tune up their short irons and games.

EDI will analyse why your bunkers are underperforming technically & aesthetically.
Do they have drainage problems from within or from the surrounds, are they looking tired or underperforming agronomically? We will produce coherent plans for development to suit your Clubs requirements working through the concept design process to realisation and build it alongside your team with full coverage.

EDI will study in detail every aspect of your course and develop plans for the future.
We will spend 2-days on site with all the key stakeholders and walk the course, analysing and gleaning pertinent information from the management, greens team and professional’s teams. We will report in detail on our findings and produce coherent documents and plans for the future to suit the Clubs requirements.

EDI have developed our own cost-effective analysis for all Golf Clubs.
If you wish to quickly understand the weaknesses of your course then we will visit and analyse from Tee 1 all the projects needing attention, present them on one masterplan, cost them with local contractors and produce a long-term, phased approach over the time period we agree. It is an invaluable exercise.

EDI has full experience designing projects working with Importation across the country.
We have had an unmatched 100% success rate gaining planning for our clients within this field. We work alongside the industries leading consultants throughout the project planning and will guide you through the process side by side or as direct consultants. We will develop your club facilities for the future.

EDI develop tee strategies to fit with the Clubs expectations and membership requirements.
Tee design is an extremely important aspect of golf course design and often the weakest aspect of golf courses we visit both technically and strategically. Dependent on the brief, we will analyse as a matter of course the size and shape, the technical performance and look for opportunities to develop new angles of play.

EDI have experience in proposing and re-developing putting greens & surfaces
We believe in designing a surface which compliments the other 9/18+ greens on your golf course. We will analyse the other greens in context which will inform us as to the degrees of design and slope we should implement. It is important also to match specifications unless the Club want to upgrade wholesale.

EDI can deliver your golf course vision from start to finish and manage it for/with you.
We have been working within the field of golf course design as a project architect for 17 years and have had the privilege to design and deliver work in 25-countries. We pride ourselves on being present during the process from initial meetings to opening the course and we would be an ideal partner for you to do this with.

EDI has vast experience in providing golf routings across varying types of terrain.
We have been routing golf holes and courses all over the World, from 1 acre to 1000 acres selecting what we believe to be the best parts of the site to maximise golf opportunity for golf holes and clubhouse environs. We will visit and analyse through a series of surveys producing drawn routings for your requirements.

EDI produce detailed safety audits for individual golf holes or courses.
Golf will unfortunately never be free of incident or accident & therefore it is our responsibility to analyse & implement a series of simple checks and safety measurements. We will analyse in detail, produce drawings and recommendations for you and your Club to safeguard all participants internally & externally.

EDI believe that driving ranges are under-utilised and have huge development potential.
Why not look into what our range outfields could be instead of them being a place that often are avoided by the membership, design after-thoughts, under drained and large maintenance issues. Ranges have multiple potential uses other than hitting balls such as internal practice courses and multi-use pitches.

EDI have developed private facilities for the world’s leading sportsman & businessman.
We love to develop golf facilities outside of golf clubs so that we can spread the enjoyment of our great game. We have witnessed entire families practicing on our concepts whilst enjoying BBQ’s and outdoor life. We can design for any size of garden, using synthetic or real grass inspired by your favourite holes.

EDI has a real passion for improving the environmental credentials of your Golf Club.
We believe that your Golf Club has the capacity to perform more efficiently with the way it is maintained. Consider reducing your mowed areas initially by 25% by growing in your carry areas for the first 75 yards and you’d be vastly improving all aspects of your environment, green keeping timescales and budget.

EDI produce drainage drawings for Clubs requiring immediate action & direction.
There are many Clubs across the World that retrospectively improve their drainage following years of under-performance and blocked pipes. We can visit and analyse your affected drainage areas and give recommendation as to how to improve the performance of the affected areas.

EDI design flood relief programmes and wetlands to help you play through the winter.
Many Golf Clubs up and down our country have huge issues with the winter season and the chances of rain stopping play quite literally for their members shutting off parts of the course. We can design schemes to stop this eventuality to include new drainage outfalls, ditches and wetlands whilst lifting surrounds to flood areas.

EDI will gladly advise your Club on your Lake / reservoir requirements due to your needs.
In today’s world, water is becoming more and more valuable so therefore we must be planning for a sustainable approach by appropriate water harvesting techniques.
We also design water feature details, streams, ditches and lakes of all sizes and shapes

EDI will develop sports facilities for any sports body requiring surfaces of the highest quality.
We believe that sports should overlap and to offer a multi-functional space to set up a pitch for most sports will keep your members extremely happy. We have designed recent schemes for Clay Pigeon shooting clubs, bowls, hockey, football and tennis.

EDI offer detailed feasibility studies for a wide range of golf related projects
If you require analysis, numbers and statistics for your golf project specifically related to the golf market place you’re wishing to enter then we would be delighted to work with you alongside our consultants to give you the numbers and peace of mind you require for you and your investors.

EDI can produce your planning drawings regardless of the shape or size of your project
We have expertise in producing plan & site surveys including drawings for all types of planning application. We produce high quality planning drawings on CAD but using manual drawing techniques instead of computer generated output. Our plans are clear and concise and easily understood.

EDI believe in the history of the game and safeguarding your club site & design
Before we commence a course audit or renovation project, we understand the site, the history, the philosophies & strategy of the golf course. We encourage the club to design the brief with us, and aim to work with the features of the site whilst sympathetically working with the routing of the original architect.