Orsett GC | Essex

EDI has now completed four phases of a rebunkering project at Orsett Golf Club in Essex, whose course was designed by James Braid in 1899. Work has been completed on holes 1, 2, 4, 7 and 16-18, and is progressing according to the masterplan that was developed by EDI following a full bunker audit.

More recently, The Club completed another phase of work to the 11th hole par 5 with renovation in-situ of the bunkers as they were existing with no strategic change.  The work restores the integrity of the original Braid-design to this historic course, which has hosted Open Championship qualifying on 11 occasions.

STATUS:  Phases 1-4 Complete

SLIDES: [1] Google Earth Pro Aerial [2] EDI Presentation for the 4th & James Braid [3] the 12th After [4] EDI Montage for the 15th [5] EDI Completed Phased Work

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